Vanderbilt vs. Michigan Quotes

Vanderbilt vs. Michigan Quotes


Vanderbilt Quotes

Vanderbilt Head Coach Bobby Johnson

On the outcome of the game … “We did not react very well to aggressive play by Michigan and they played aggressively all day. They really put us in some tough situations and we did not react very well.”

On the defensive effort … “We played better after the first drive on defense. We seemed to be in position several times but missed key tackles. Most of the time we answered the bell on defense. We forced the turnover and held them to a field goal. We caused a fumble with them in a short field. I thought we played hard the whole game.”

On Vanderbilt’s offensive struggle … “The three-and-outs were tough. They did a good job of stuffing us. We just were not physical enough. You have to convert — especially when you get a third-and-one — to keep the drive alive and get the defense off the field. They played a lot today. We were not doing the little things today. Chris (Nickson) made some good throws and we dropped them.”

On the running game … “We were trying to spread them out a little bit … trying to run the football in there. They are all big and fast in there. We just did not execute like we wanted to run the football.”

VU Junior Linebacker Jonathon Goff

On the blocked field goal … “The thing was, we got a little more push on the ball, so then we just tried something a little different and tried to get some more hands up in the air. I was able to come out and make a play for a momentum swing.”

On defending the passing game … “Overall, I feel like we were alright with their passing game — it was more so their running game. But I feel like overall, we were alright with their passing game.”

VU Sophomore Quarterback Chris Nickson

On his first start at quarterback … “(I learned) how to keep my composure. I’m new to the collegiate sport. I’m a young quarterback in this league. You’ve just got to learn how to keep your composure throughout some good things and bad things. The team — my guys gave 100 percent today, and it was just good to learn a lot of things the defense was going to give me.”

On what he took away from the game … “The main thing is to just persevere. There were a lot of things that happened in this game that didn’t go our way, and we’re going to have to move away from it — move on and try to continue to succeed in whatever we do. So we’re going to continue to work hard and get it done.”

On running the ball … “I think if the running game would have been a little stronger — I mean the running game always helps. It takes a lot of pressure off you. I don’t want to say that we lacked the running game, but if we had been more successful, I’m pretty sure it would have opened up a few more lanes for us. But we’re going to move on from it.”

Michigan Quotes

Michigan Head Coach Lloyd Carr

On the game … “There’s always an unknown going into the opening game. I thought we did some good things. I am disappointed in some of our execution. We missed some big plays that really would have opened the game up for us, but we’ll learn from that. We dropped some balls, we missed some open receivers, we turned the football over and we had too many penalties. We have a lot of things to get corrected. I thought we were very physical on both sides of the ball. We did some things in the running game that should really open up our passing game. We’ll throw the ball better than we did today because today we didn’t execute.”

On committing to run the football … “I think our players want to run the football. I think Mike (Hart) and our whole offensive staff, that’s really where it all begins. I think being able to control the clock is going to be (important). In this new era, with these rule changes, people got out of that stadium a lot faster today. The new rules have changed the game, I think, significantly. In terms of the things that we wanted to accomplish in the offseason, I think we made some real strides today.”

On issues with the offensive line … “There’s no question that that is probably the most disappointing thing. Vanderbilt came after us and we saw a couple of things that we haven’t seen, but that’s going to happen every week. I thought (Chad) Henne did a good job avoiding some sacks in there. If we’re going to be able to throw the football like we want to, we certainly have to improve our protection. We had two holding penalties that both stopped drives. Penalties, sacks and turnovers really ruined what could have been an outstanding offensive effort.”

U-M Fifth-Year Senior Inside Linebacker David Harris

On the performance by the front four … “The front four did a heck of a job. (LaMarr) Woodley, (Rondell) Biggs and (Alan) Branch and those guys put tremendous pressure on them and that made it a lot easier because (Chris Nickson) was scrambling around back there like a chicken with his head cut off. It made it easy.”

On if Nickson’s scrambling ability prepares U-M for other similar quarterbacks it will see later in the season … “Of course. He’s a great runner. He’s fast. We knew that coming in. We just had to keep leverage on the ball carrier when he broke containment. It should help us down the road.”

U-M Senior Offensive Tackle Jake Long

On the left side of the line … “They called the plays and we blocked them. We really clicked there today on the offensive line. We ran the ball like we wanted to but we still have a lot to improve before next game.”

On the running of Mike Hart … “He’s amazing, both him and Kevin (Grady). If something breaks down they’ll make a hole. They don’t stop running. Everything they did today was great.”

U-M Junior Tailback Mike Hart

On the offensive line … “Obviously they did a good job. I don’t think they could have played better. We made some mental mistakes early in the game, but as far as run blocking they couldn’t have blocked any better, including the receivers.”

On the left side’s effectiveness … “Jake (Long) and Adam (Kraus) are a great duo. It’s going to be hard not to run that way in a lot of situations. Reuben (Riley) and (Alex) Mitchell did a great job today. It was a great combination. All five of them did a great job.”

On being back at full health … “It feels great. Now I have to stay healthy. I was healthy the first game last year. Then the second game came and I got hurt. I just have to stay healthy all year long and keep playing.”

On if the conditioning in the offseason paid off in the fourth quarter … “Definitely. You could see that in the offensive line because when you looked in their eyes they weren’t tired. The running backs, quarterback, receivers, they were all ready to go. That’s one thing that we want to do. We want to drive the ball. We didn’t do it as well as we wanted to do today. The defense got on the field late in the game and we didn’t want them to be on the field late in the game. We wanted to continue the drive. We made a few mistakes today, but every week we want to improve and finish the game.”

U-M Senior Defensive End LaMarr Woodley

On how he thought the defense did against a mobile quarterback … “I think we did well. In the first game it was a good look because we know it’s coming later in the season. We just have to continue in that aspect.”

On what part of the defense impressed him … “I think the whole front did well. We got a lot of push up there. For one guy to make big plays it means everyone else is performing well too. We know that if all four of us work together up front somebody is going to get there.”