Third phase of Virtual Vanderbilt

Dec. 21, 2010

Virtual Vanderbilt

virtualvanderbiltweb1.jpgJust before the holidays, Vanderbilt is set to debut the third phase of Virtual Vanderbilt, which includes bowling, men’s and women’s golf and swimming.

Virtual Vanderbilt is a microsite that provides a multimedia look at Vanderbilt athletics. The site includes videos, photographs and key bites of information designed for a variety of audiences to view at their leisure.

Included in the content for every sport are four primary elements that form the foundation of our athletic program – Competing at the Highest Level, Uniquely Vanderbilt, A Top 20 Education and Nashville: Our Home.

Continue to check back in the coming months as we add our other varsity programs, each of which contain sport-specific facts and photos.

Each sport and each of the four elements have a unique URL that is accessible from the front page of Virtual Vanderbilt.

Virtual Vanderbilt

Virtual Vanderbilt Bowling

Virtual Vanderbilt Men’s Golf

Virtual Vanderbilt Women’s Golf

Virtual Vanderbilt Swimming