Lacrosse Game Day

Welcome to the Vanderbilt Lacrosse Complex,

home of Vanderbilt Lacrosse.

Construction Updates

It is our goal to make your visit to the Vanderbilt University campus as pleasant and as safe as possible. Please monitor this webpage and our construction page for questions you may have. 

Please note: Vandy United and campus utility construction is ongoing around the Vanderbilt Soccer/Lacrosse Complex for the 2025 lacrosse season.

There are temporary road closures to be mindful of and new entrancing paths/procedures.

Please abide by posted signage and consult game day information prior to arrival on campus. 

Construction Updates as of [1/31/25]: Progress on Vandy United facility projects and campus utility projects are underway. Avoid construction areas on game days. 

  • For information on construction, please click here.
  • To learn more about Vandy United, please click here.


Game day parking is available in 25th Avenue Garage on floors 8-10 and may be accessed through the entrance on Highland Avenue or 25th Avenue. On weekdays, fans must pull forward into spaces and only park on floors 8-10. Fans who park on any other floor or in reserved spaces are subject to a parking ticket. Please adhere to all posted signage when parking in other locations, and note that ongoing construction projects may impact accessibility to/from games.

Jess Neely Drive remains closed and is inaccessible to vehicular traffic. There is a pedestrian path only that connects Natchez Trace and 25th Avenue.

On weekends, parking in the lots along Natchez Trace and Vanderbilt Place (flat lots) is available and free. Monday – Friday, these lots are reserved for Vanderbilt Medical Center employees and ticketing and towing may be enforced without the proper parking pass.

Lot 71 (baseball outfield) and the tennis center lot are not available for game day parking.

Vanderbilt Athletics Text Messages

Did you know you can receive text updates about Vanderbilt lacrosse? Text the keyword VandyLax to 833-634-2093 to sign up to receive messages about important game day information and more!


Admission to regular season Vanderbilt Women’s Lacrosse games is free.

Spectators can enter the stadium at the Northeast corner of the field near the outdoor tennis courts.

Spectators can also enter the stadium at the Southwest corner of the field near the David Williams II Recreation and Wellness Center.

Please follow directional signage on game day. Click here to see a large scale version of the map.


* Vanderbilt staff will make the final decision on any questionable items.

– Drugs and alcohol

– Backpacks and large bags

– Outside food and drink – Only clear and empty plastic water bottles will be permitted inside.

– Weapons of any kind, including guns, knives, pocket knives, explosive devices, etc. are not permitted in Vanderbilt Stadium. Attempting to bring weapons of any kind into the stadium will result in immediate arrest.

– Video cameras and cameras with lenses longer than six inches (6”)

– Artificial noisemakers

– Pets and emotional support animals (Only service animals are permitted)

– Athletic equipment


Vanderbilt Athletics staff will monitor any threat of weather and provide updates as needed. In the event of lightning or other severe weather, spectators will be directed to their vehicles.

Spectators should monitor @VandyLacrosse on X/Twitter for updates about the status of the game. If the weather is predicted to be too severe to continue play outside, play may resume in the indoor facility at the Rec Center.


Vanderbilt is committed to providing a safe and welcoming atmosphere for our teams and fans to enjoy. Vanderbilt Athletics reserves the right to institute measures for any language, actions or demonstrations in violation of the Vanderbilt Athletics Fan Code of Conduct. This includes, but is not limited to, ejection from the facility and revocation of future ticket privileges. Violation of laws or city ordinances may result in arrest or prosecution.

Fans are expected to…

• Show respect to all student-athletes, coaches, officials and surrounding fans at all times.

• Assume responsibility for their conduct.

• Comply with zero-tolerance policies related to any form of harassment, discrimination or abusive language.

• Adhere to requests and directives from game day event staff and law enforcement personnel regarding venue operation and emergency response procedures.

• Refrain from entering the playing surface without proper authorization or credentials.

Enjoy the game and Anchor Down.


Fans are encouraged not to bring any types of bags inside SEC stadiums during football games; however, the following outlines bags that are permitted: 

• Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12”; 

• One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags (Ziploc bag or similar); and 

• Small clutch bags, with or without a handle or strap, that do not exceed 4.5” x 6.5” (approximately the size of a hand). 

• An exception will be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection at a gate designated for this purpose. 

An approved logo no larger than 4.5” x 3.4” may be displayed on one side of a permissible clear bag. 

Prohibited bags include, but are not limited to: purses larger than a clutch bag; briefcases; backpacks, cinch bags, and fanny packs that are not clear and/or exceed the size restriction; luggage of any kind; computer bags/cases; camera bags/cases; binocular bags/cases or any bag larger than the permissible size. 

Vanderbilt University Athletics - Official Athletics Website


– At no time should any non-credentialed person attempt to enter the competition or team areas. Doing so is grounds for removal from the facility and may result in arrest.

– Alcohol and drug use are prohibited at the Vanderbilt Lacrosse Complex.

– Vanderbilt University policies, and state and federal laws will be in effect.

– Profanity and abusive language are highly discouraged during athletic contests. Guests using profanity or abusive language towards student-athletes, coaches, officials, staff or fellow spectators may have their ticket revoked and be removed from the venue. Throwing items onto the placing surface or directly at fellow spectators will not be tolerated and is grounds for removal from the venue.

– Vanderbilt University does not permit tailgating in any of the surrounding parking lots.


– Emergency Medical personnel are available in the Northwest corner of the field. Vanderbilt Police, Guest Services, and Vanderbilt staff are also available to provide assistance.

– Concessions will be available for all home games.

– Lost and Found items can be brought to the Guest Services member at the entry gate. After the game, please call (615) 322-4193 if you have lost any items.


For current information on streaming, game times and coverage for Vanderbilt Lacrosse, please view the lacrosse schedule.

All Vanderbilt lacrosse home games will air on ESPN+.