Get to Know the Dores: Rocky McCauley

Meet Rocky, a freshman defender from Houston, Texas

Rocky McCauley | Defense | Houston, Texas

Q: Why did you choose to commit to Vandy?

McCauley: “Vandy was my dream school! I loved how it was in the south and had good weather and all four seasons but it wasn’t too cold. I also liked how it was academically challenging and a prestigious school. The team is amazing and my teammates and coaches create such a fun and friendly environment so I knew it was the right school for me.”

Q: What are your academic goals while at Vanderbilt and long term?

McCauley: “I want to get onto the academic honor roll while at Vanderbilt. I am thinking of going to med school right now, so I want to get a GPA that allows me to do that.”                                                                                                                  

Q: What made you decide you wanted to continue lacrosse in college?

McCauley: “I had always loved lacrosse and I knew it would make my college experience unique and add more fun to it. It also allowed me to come to a great school.”

Q: What would you say your biggest strength as a player is?

McCauley: “My biggest strength is my grit. I never give up on the field and always go 100 percent.”

Q: What about Nashville are you most excited to explore?

McCauley: “I am excited to explore all of the cool restaurants.”

Q: What are your hobbies outside of lacrosse?

McCauley: “Outside of lacrosse I also do ceramics. I did it all four years of high school and it’s something I do for fun. I also wake surf and wakeboard. It is so fun and I love learning new tricks.”

Q: Do you have any hidden talents?

McCauley: “I did gymnastics for a long time so I can do backhand springs and flips. I also can do a 360 on the wake surf!”

Q: What is a random, fun fact about you that most people don’t know?

McCauley: “A fun fact about me is when I was younger at the end of prayers I would say “All of the men” instead of Amen. No one told me it was wrong for years.”

Q: Is there anything else you would like Commodore Nation to know about you?

McCauley: “I’m just so excited to be here!”