Twas the night before game day, when all through the gym
Not a creature was stirring, not even Mr. C, not even him.
The jerseys were hung in the lockers with care,
With time for tip-off nearly there.
The student-athletes were nestled all snug in their dorms,
With visions of playing the game in its most-perfect form.
And coach Shea with her whistle, and coach Tom with his pen,
Had just grabbed the clicker to join coach Kev and coach Ash for some film study in the den.
When out on the court there arose such a clatter,
The coaching staff sprang from their offices to see what was the matter.
Away to the crow’s nest they flew with a dash,
They turned on the lights nearly blinded by the flash.
The glare on Ingram court from fresh polish and lacquer
Shined so bright they stepped back and then backer.
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But an arena full of black and gold, ready to scream and cheer.
With their shakers and towels and voices full of reverberation,
They knew right away it was Commodore nation.
More fierce and more loud and relentless they called,
And they stood shoulder to shoulder with every seat having been sold.
“Dynamite, dynamite
When Vandy starts to fight!
Down the field with blood to yield
If need be save the shield!”
As squirrels on the campus before the student body comes tramping,
When they spot the perfect tree, and up go scamping,
The voices raised into the rafters so high,
There was no mistaking that victory was nigh.
And then, ever so faintly, a song began to sound
A tune from the pep band played so loud and so proud.
As they looked toward the tunnel, cranking their necks more and more,
Out emerged the first sight of a Commodore.
She was dressed in all black, from her head to her knee,
And her uniform was sparkling, no one could disagree.
A basketball she held under her right arm,
And she looked like a queen ready for her troops to swarm.
Her eyes — how they twinkled! Her countenance so fierce! Her cheeks were ablaze, her manner so fierce!
Her nostrils were flared like a stallion unleashed,
She would not be stopped until the battle was ceased.
The ball began to bounce with a thunderous thud,
And the echoes shook the floorboards to their studs.
She had a stern face a menacing physique,
Her fitness and stamina were every bit of top peak.
She was strong and determined, a focused young Dore,
And they looked upon her and were impressed to the core.
A wink of her eye and a nod of her head,
Soon gave them confidence the opponent only need dread.
She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
She filled up the basket without even a smirk.
And raising her fist in the air and lowering her head,
Her teammates came to her side knowing nothing more needed to be said.
She sprang from the bench, the official gave a whistle,
And away went the Commodores faster than a missile.
When the game had been won and the fans were all out of sight,
The Commodores all exclaimed, “WE WILL ALWAYS PLAY FOR YOU – WE WILL ALWAYS FIGHT.”