Thomas Davis
Personal Record
5k — 15:50
2007: Finished 25th at the Belmont/Vanderbilt Opener, 21st at the Commodore Classic, 74th at the Greater Louisville Classic, 80th at the Chile Pepper Festival, 64th at the SEC Championship and 88th at the NCAA South Regional Championship.
2006: Finished first on the team and 13th overall at Blue Ridge Open. Finished second on the team and sixth overall at Belmont Invite. One of the team[apos]s top three runners in all five of the events which he participated.
High School/Prep:
Nike Indoor Nationals All- American in 4×1 mile relay … Kentucky State Champion in 1600m run (4:18) and anchored state champion 4x800m team … HS team captain which finished 20th in the nation and 17th at Nike Team Nationals … Earned eight varsity letters … Received the Scholar-Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year Award.
Thomas Edward Davis II … Born Sept. 25, 1988 … Parents are Tom and Gabriela … Has two older sisters … Major is biomedical engineering … Lived in Mexico for four years … Enjoys cooking, community service, listening to reggaeton, traveling, tennis and Mexico … Has worked as an EMT.
Off the Course with Thomas:
Favorite athlete: Secretariat (a horse)
Famous person I[apos]d most like to meet: Mother Teresa
My dream jobs: Surgeon, teacher at St. Xavier High School, governor of a state, foreign ambassador, founder of successful social business
Dream vacation: 2014 World Cup in Brazil
Item I brought to VU to remind me of home: Mom[apos]s collection of recipes
Best concert I[apos]ve ever attended: Lil Jon
Favorite restaurant: Las Americas Taqueria y Pupseria
First job I had: Soccer referee
Not many people know that I: am a great-uncle, am fluent in Spanish and am an Ingram Scholar.
Favorite class this semester: Bottom of the Pyramid — Owen School of Business
Favorite ‘non-school’ related reading material: ‘Creating a World without Poverty’ by Muhammad Yunus
My day can[apos]t start until: I do pushups to wake myself up